Living in the moment with higher awareness and consciousness we begin to experience more synchronicities. A synchronicity is “The apparent connection or synchronization between two or more events manifesting in our awareness in the present moment.” Many/most of us have experienced this phenomena where time seemed somehow to be skewed and the event field brought together remarkable co-incidences or “coincidences.” Those who are less aware of multi-dimensionality may dismiss this as a mere or unrelated co-incidences. However, those who connect life more multi-dimensionally begin to see these co-incidences not as miracles or luck but as a direct feedback of their own conscious structure. Many have experienced an alignment of numbers in their lives such as seeing a lot of 11:11 at certain times or perhaps numbers like 555 or 777 at the most unusual times far beyond what chance might involve. Intuitively, people begin to recognize these as signposts in their lives and begin to focus on seeing these and other synchronicities even more. It is a universal law of quantum physics that where our attention is, there we are. The observer who focuses on anything brings about the propensity for that specific manifestation. The “particle” follows the intention and manifests as the thought becomes clearly affixed to it. The deeper the intention, that is belief, the clearer the energy is for the potential the manifestation will materialize as perceived. One who experiences many synchronicities in their lives has conditioned their experiential field with many conscious feedback loops. They begin to expect the field of experience will guide them and the energetic belief in this generates alignment of their will to future manifestations. In quantum physics the smallest particles of matter are observed to change course, even apparently disappearing and manifesting as the intention of the observer directs it. It is the same in the field of synchronicities – we change the course of the manifestation. It apparently doesn't matter the size of the particle or matter. The event field is all-encompassing and without size or limit, it is multi-dimensional. The intention of the observer goes forth moving beyond both time and place simultaneously. The experiential field is set into action through intention and directed consciousness. We experience this as an alignment of events, places and things. The clearer our intent and the more alignment it is with unity the more the apparent shifts in the timing field of manifestation will be. If the process of intention is dis-unified the manifestation will still occur in the synchronicity field for all thoughts, words and deeds are energy and do manifest; howbeit, the dis-unification will be feed back as lessons and perhaps struggle until the intention is more in line with universal will. We manifest in the future in the field of the present now what we have put forth in the past. Those who believe their thoughts, words and deeds the most will have a greater apparent and equal connection to the field of synchronicities in their manifest time line.

Where your attention is, there you are. If your attention totally merges with the universal field matrix then it is possible to manifest instantly beyond and within time and place. 

The power to manifest reality and destiny is available to all who bring their intention and belief to focus. Many have heard of the so-called miracles of ones who have honed their skills of belief, purity and oneness with universal source. These people are often referred to as Masters. They are in reality no different than any other person. It may appear they have gone along further in their connection than others yet we all have access to this same omnipotent reality. It is available to each and everyone of us, we simply are asked to Believe. All that separates us from the so-called masters is belief. Ones who can work readily with shifting their reality are ones who believe it is possible beyond any and all doubt. It is doubt that disallows any of us from manifesting. Again, “Where your attention is, there you are.” If your attention totally merges with the universal field matrix then it is possible to manifest instantly beyond and within time and place. Within every point of universal structure lies the potential for manifestation. We are conduits and channels of that energy. All is energy and time is an illusion. We can believe, focusing full attention on the desired manifestation, while simultaneously releasing the power to the control of universal space/time continuum to bring it about. Both axes of acting as ultimate center and allowance (releasing) of universal source's center come into play at the same time. We connect to complete center of infinite and finite simultaneously. Herein, we connect our belief with the omnipotent universal structure and the waves of energy catalyze and direct potentiality into particles which further organize into manifestation.  




Within the psychic field occurs the general process of healing, psychic connection, levitation, dreams, manifestation and dematerialization. All is energy and can move into expression, either becoming more or less dense. The process of dreams and psychic connection are a similar phenomena. We are conduits of information from the universal mind. In a dream we are focusing waves of energy with our mind's eye. We experience dreams through the light, sound and feelings that our mind perceives. Light, sound and feelings are waves of subtle energy. The receptor centers of our mind can pick up these waves of energy and translate them into packets of information. We experience sound and light from the outside through our visual and audio receptors we call our eyes and ears. When we dream or have a psychic connection we also see and hear. Where does this light and sound come from which illumines and vibrates within our mind? Light and sound are carried upon external waves yet is interpreted internally. Light and sound exist both personally and universally within the mind. This is the energy that illumines our consciousness with packets of information which we translate into meaning. When we are asleep we are more aware of these subtle energies than when we are “awake.” The distractions of the waking world often can make it difficult to tune into our universal mind which is always awake and connected. One who learns to tune into the psychic field is tuning into the same energy input experienced when dreaming. Through simultaneously focusing and releasing to universal mind cognitive messages can be received. Here again the process of believing becomes an integral part of the process to allow the waves or packets of information to be translatable to the experiential field. The more faith, belief and knowing is connected with; the more universal mind and source can be connected with beyond and within time and place. The more we question, wavering in the translation of the wave fields of information provided, the more the information will be centralized to our personal field which tends to be more finite in its connective ability.

When we dream or have a psychic connection we also see and hear. Where does this light and sound come from which illumines and vibrates within our mind?  

All thoughts carry with them a vibrational field. When we think a thought we are connecting our mind with the universal mind. The more we live a life of unity, integrity and love the more our mind will be of the universal mind. Feelings are also carried upon the vibrational field. When the vibration of something is felt; our thought, that is mind, interprets them. We may have a variety of reactions to the feeling the mind produces. Those sensitive to these feelings will have a “gut feeling” or intuition about the message they are receiving. Messages received through clairaudient (sound) or clairvoyant (light) are examples of psychic reception. A psychic message through our feeling senses is called clairsentience. Sound, light, and feeling are vibrational in nature and therefore can be tuned into with the mind. They do not necessarily require a physical experience such as hearing, sight or touch as it is commonly perceived in the third dimension. The mind can act as a conduit for these and other vibrational expressions beyond and within time and place, with dreams, feelings and psychic information as the psychic mind connects. Living our psychic connection brings us to a point of realizing time and place are the containers of the informational field, not the limiters. Vibrations, such as light, sound and feelings are beyond time and place manifesting in our experiential field.




The process of healing also relies on the vibrational field all around us. When there is a dis-ease or illness there is an imbalance in the vibratory field. This imbalance manifests as the frequencies from the all encompassing communication field dictates. When the frequencies are in balance then healing and harmony flourish. There are many many reasons an imbalance in a situation or person may exist. The conditions may range from chemical, emotional, environmental to karmic. Sometimes the dis-ease may be a learning experience for either the person or the ones associated with them. Not all imbalances or dis-eases are readied to be healed, there may be more lessons to learn by going through the experience. However, when healing is ready to happen there will be a change toward harmony. There are just as many ways to heal as there are ways to be unbalanced or sick. Since all is energy one may choose to use medicines, nutritional supplements or holistic approaches. All can be affective based upon the purity or universality of the approach. Generally speaking, the more universal the healing technique applied the more subtle the energy. Whereas, pharmaceuticals or surgery may offer quick relief to a symptom they can be invasive and with side affects. This is because such healing modalities rely heavily on what we observe in three dimensional reality. Modalities that move more toward the “invisible” end of the spectrum will generally always be less invasive and more subtle in their side effects. Holistic approaches such as nutrition or energy therapy rely more on connecting with higher frequencies. Techniques like color and aroma therapy work with the bodies more subtle energies to bring alignment. Acupressure or acupuncture will work to restore balance and well being by stimulating certain energy points along the body's meridian system. Each of these healing systems are working with the energy systems of the body at various levels of cooperation with universality.
A person who applies healing directly using an energy therapy like Reiki is working with universal life force. In Japanese Rei means Universal and Ki means Life Force. Any person or being can act as a channel of universal life force. This is an ability of all sentient beings. Life force is universal and is ever present throughout all time and space. Practitioners or channelers of life force, or life source as it is also called, are conduits to universal life energy much in the same way a being translates light, sound and feelings into an understandable message. It is all energy and we are the conduits through which it flows. Healing energy and life source is beyond time and place. This is the reason the healing technique does not need a physical modality to produce a cure. A person who channels life source with universal intentionality, conceived in integrity, unity, compassion and love, will align greatly toward restoring balance and well being. Quantum physics has shown us it is all about the observer's field of perception. When the field is free of doubt and completely unified then the course of the particle, precipitated by the wave upon it, will move as directed. In the case of healing, life source will move into the dis-eased area and restore balance. The observer may see or experience this as an actual change in the molecular structure often associated with a warming or even a visible aura of light.

A person who channels life source with universal intentionality, conceived in integrity, unity, compassion and love, will align greatly toward restoring balance and well being. 

The uses of Reiki energy has been applied in many different walks of life. Sometimes it is called the Laying on of Hands, other practitioners may call it Touch Therapy or Quantum Touch. Healing can also be achieved by praying or meditating upon the condition with an intent to restore balance. All practices are one and the same, the modalities may shift yet all hold commonalities. Many naturopathic healing techniques use the focusing of attention through the mind and heart, allowing universal life source to move into manifestation. When the life source is collected this way and channeled toward the dis-ease then, depending on the purity of the channel and the overall purpose of the dis-ease, a change toward life and harmony will occur. The life source is always available however it may not be the right time for a variety of reasons to restore harmony. Furthermore, harmony in a situation may not always look the way it is perceived as universal plans and destiny for the best outcome to come into play. Overall, the best the healer can do is ask for the best for all concerned and then allow universal life source to do the rest.
Healing can be performed locally or at a distance. In the process of working with universal energy there is no time or distance. All points in space connect. When the healer sends forth the healing energy, streamlined by integrity and belief, the particles of the dis-eased location are affected instantaneously. This means whether the sender of the healing energy is performing a “laying on of hands” just inches away or sending the energy half way around the world or galaxy the result will be the same. Thought travels faster than the speed of light and its affects are immediate. Focused thought, such as with prayer or meditation, will have even stronger affects. Experiments have shown a measurable difference in dis-ease when groups of trained meditators have come together with the common goal of healing and restoring balance. Crime rates, economic conditions and overall stress of whole communities have been documented to improve through the power of concentrated loving thought and healing energy. 




In the phenomenas of materialization and levitation there is little understood. However, there is much evidence that such occurrences can and do happen. Every time an observer changes the event field and two or more events coincide in the same timing there is synchronization between mind and matter. When the mind is used to direct an intentional healing field of energy, and a restoration of natural balance occurs, there is an alteration of matter, that is; materialization. We are the creators of our realities. In all points in space lies the potential for intention directed manifestation. The space may appear empty because the observer cannot detect any matter in it. However, it is the very intention of the observer that directs the ability to manifest. When the observer sets their intention to manifest then the very matrix of space, which flows through all points of space, begins to coalesce to bring about the manifestation. This manifestation process is multi-dimensional as it comes into being beyond and within time and place. The connecting fiber to this process is the belief of the observer who acts as a conduit between the multi-dimensional universe and the manifestation. Without directed consciousness acting upon and within the process then the manifestation would not occur. Space in itself is void of matter yet contains all potential for manifesting as the focus of attention is drawn upon it. Where there is no focus (intention) there is no manifestation. When the observer moves to central focus they connect with space's infinite potential to manifest. The more centralized the focus, belief or faith is the more the structure of space's matrix will be acted upon producing an experience that is reflective of will and intent.
At the very center of an atom, which is composed of super small particles, there is tremendous energy potential. Furthermore, the more powerful microscopes get the more we are able to observe there is relatively tremendous distances between the particles of matter revealing nothing more than 99.9999999999999999% “empty space.” Space itself is the holder of this supercharged matrix of energy which is invisible until an observer interacts upon it to coalesce the manifestation. What makes space so powerful is that all points in space are connected to all other points in space beyond time and dimension. The more the observer moves toward central intention the more they connect with the center of all centers. The observer becomes ONE in intention and with the power of the universal matrix. Within the center, where all distractions melt away, the purest essential intent moves forth into perfect manifestation. Some have experienced this point of pure center as a bright and brilliant light. Some meditations can bring us to this point as we release to the matrix of “empty” space and focus on center simultaneously. Spontaneous manifestations often accompany a glow of light and/or heat. There has been many documented cases where a “Master” centered upon the potential of space's dynamic energy and suddenly a rose or coin or just about anything else would appear out of a flash of light. The flash of light is indicative of a process of manifestation which occurs as the matrix of space becomes interacted upon. First, there is a wave of energy precipitated by the observer, then the wave forms frequencies of light as the first visible signs of the manifestation begins to coalesce. These frequencies of light coalesce particles of matter based upon the intention directed upon them. This process continues within the space/light field moving and coalescing in time and experience until the manifestation becomes fully realized. This is the same process we experience when we feel warmth moving from our hands when we heal. Our intention is directing universal life source energy to move specifically from our central being into and with purpose into the place it will be most effective. Light, heat and energy are precursors to the changes in the molecular structures.

First, there is a wave of energy precipitated by the observer, then the wave forms frequencies of light as the first visible signs of the manifestation begins to coalesce. These frequencies of light coalesce particles of matter based upon the intention directed upon them. This process continues within the space/light field moving and coalescing in time and experience until the manifestation becomes fully realized. 

All forms of manifestation, be it healing, dematerialization, materialization or levitation, work upon the same premise that all points in space are connected to all other points in space. The key is central focus of intention and all potential with the matrix of space is possible. Levitation is something that has been practiced by ones who have learned to connect their central essence to the central essence of space. In learning to master this skill the observer may develop the skill of meditation, that is the skill of centering with both self and universal center-s. The greater the connection becomes with these centers, moving toward oneness, the more the observer will levitate themselves or something else if that is their desire. In space matrix there is no matter and all is energy. Whereas, matter contains weight, energy does not. The observer simply becomes one with this reality realizing they, or something else, is pure energy, lighter than a feather. In this condition they are not limited by the affects of gravity for they have become one with it. The matter itself becomes lighter and lighter, as is the intention of the observer. The particles of which are just pure energy respond accordingly and what appears as levitation is the result.  


Etheric Energy Fields ~ You Views ~

You live and dwell and have your being in the space/time matrix. All that you are is controlled by this matrix and all that this matrix is, is controlled by y-our being.
You make your own reality.
You need not “try” to connect to super conscious energy, for you simply are connected already.
Where your attention is, there you are.
It is BELIEF that is the key to manifesting your reality.
Your purest connection to the fabric of space is made at absolute center.
When you are One with Love, being pure, holy and just, you are of the same intention as nature and universal source.
You are simultaneously observing in the future and in the past as the two time lines merge into one now moment. This is your connection experienced as synchronicities.
When you experience life with the joyful, ever present, eyes of a child there is no connection to the passing of time.
The more you perceive the more conscious you are and the more conscious you are the more the illusion of time slips away.
The deeper your intention and belief is the clearer the energy is for the potentiality of the manifestation to become as you have perceived it.
In reality you are no different than people referred to as Masters.
Within every point of universal structure lies the potential for manifestation. You are conduits and channels of that energy.
When you think a thought or dream a dream you are connecting your mind with the universal mind. The more you live a life of unity, integrity and love the more your mind will be of the universal mind.
When you have a dis-ease or illness there is an imbalance in your vibratory field. When your frequencies are in balance then healing and harmony flourish.
You can use life source and be a conduit of universal life energy much in the same way a you translates light, sound and feelings into an understandable message.
When you channel life source with universal intentionality, conceived in integrity, unity, compassion and love, you will align greatly toward restoring balance and well being.
Overall the best you, the healer, can do is ask for the best for all concerned and then allow universal life source to do the rest.
When you set your intention to manifest then the very matrix of space, which flows through all points of space, begins to coalesce to bring about the manifestation.
The more you move toward central intention the more you connect with the center of all centers. You become One in intention and One with the power of the universal matrix.

