As the observer in the center of the seven interlinking circles we connect in all directions along the two dimensional plane that surrounds us. Aligning with the seven visible colors of the circle's sectors gives us even more conscious connection extending from our being. In a circle we observe in many directions all at once. Within the center of an equilateral triangle we can only view in three equal directions along the lines that surrounds us. This is our balance between infinite observation and finite observation. All of universal structure is both infinite and finite. Each part of the universe contains all parts of the rest of the universe. Universal functioning is both on micro and macro levels simultaneously. In Rainbow Spectrum Sacred Geometry this balance of infinite to finite is maintained and energized to observer's center.
All of universal structure is both infinite and finite. Each part of the universe contains all parts of the rest of the universe. Universal functioning is both on micro and macro levels simultaneously.
Within all of space there is a matrix of energy that gives form to all we see manifest. Space contains energy that moves along the patterns of Pure Geometry. One of the corner stones of this is what we observe in the phenomena of triangularization. The mystery of the triangle is revealed throughout universal functioning in the shape of a hexagon. Most commonly in nature this shape is seen in bee's honeycombs and snowflakes. The reason behind this is because of the triangularization of space. In the example of a snowflake space's matrix affect on it becomes clear. As a raindrop falls from the sky in a cold environment it begins to flatten into a plane of water and then begins to crystallize. When water freezes the affects of hexagonal space matrix and naturally occurring hexagonal structure of water combine. That is to say, space matrix is a hexagonal container and as the water freezes it produces a hexagonal ice crystal. All ice crystals have a uniqueness unto themselves yet all are similar in their hexagonal shape. If the snowflake is formed in a pure and loving environment free of toxins then the hexagonal shape becomes more pronounced and beautifully structured. Our physical bodies are over 85 percent water. As cosmic radiations of space's matrix affect our water, or any water, then alignment to pure geometry becomes apparent. If toxins or negative “un-pure” energy is a part of the formation process then the pure alignment with nature's matrix becomes skewed.
Our physical bodies are over 85 percent water. As cosmic radiations of space's matrix affect our water, or any water, then alignment to pure geometry becomes apparent.
A hexagon is formed within the expansion of the matrix of a circle. Six equally sized circles can be equally placed around the circumference of a similarly sized circle. The six circles touch the center seventh circle and each other. This is known as the closest packing of circles.
Drawing a line between the centers of the six outer circles produces a perfect equilateral hexagon. This process shows there is a direct connection between what is characterized as an infinite circle and a finite triangle. An equilateral hexagon contains six equilateral triangles, each sharing one line with each other when six lines are drawn to observer's center point – the center of the central seventh circle.

Hexagonal shapes can be stacked together with no gaps between them endlessly. This process of stacking together is know is the infilling of space. Only a few shapes can be merged together this way. A square is one of them as is what is known as the Flower of Life. Six triangles fit within a hexagon perfectly. These designs can be used infinitely to fill all the two dimensional space around it without gaps. This infilling is the reason squares and hexagons are commonly used in the placement of floor tiles. In the universal nature of Sacred Geometry these shapes are vital because they are pure geometry filling all the space they occupy without using other shapes to fill the gaps. This infilling of space creates a bonding of energy between the shapes, each shape being stabilized to each other at micro and macro levels. The Flower of Life is essentially hexagonal in nature. Its pattern utilizes the placement of six equal circles around a central circle of equal size. Six circles are drawn using the central axis of each circle at 60 degree angles to each other. Essentially, this is the same thing as the infilling of space using circles defined by their centers – the six points of the hexagons. Standing energetically at observer center of the infilling of space of circles, hexagons or squares can produce a synergistic connection to the very matrix of space. The observer connects completely as these infinitely repeatable patterns flow to absolute center and to the deepest reaches of space simultaneously.
In the universal nature of Sacred Geometry hexagons and squares are vital because they are pure geometry filling all the space they occupy. This infilling of space creates a bonding of energy between the shapes, each shape being stabilized to each other at micro and macro levels. |
Other examples of nature's hexagonal connection are found in the patterns seen on a turtle's back and basalt crystals. This hexagonal shape can also be observed in a massive cloud formation on the north polar region of Saturn. Clearly hexagonal, this cloud stretches over a region larger than our earth. It appears to be formed in the same way as other naturally occurring hexagons; by following the hexagonal matrix of energy found in space's structure. What may prove to be most interesting in the field of hexagonal research is the correlation to DNA structure. All life contains DNA and it can be used as a blueprint to determine exactly what species it is. The building blocks of DNA on a molecular level are hexagonal. Analyzing DNA structure we see the shape of the molecule, called a pyrimidine, is hexagonal and pentagonal. These two molecular structures create geometric rings working in tandem with each other creating energetic bonds. It is these bonds and geometric rings that form the building blocks for our DNA observed as a double helix as they spiral their way into manifestation.
Water is hexagonal in nature. It has been observed where the living being is dehydrated or under the influence of toxins or disease then the molecular structure of the DNA begins to break down causing the geometry of the rings to dissipate. Hydrating the body with what is called structured or hexagonal water has been shown to restore the symmetry of the DNA rings and restore health and vitality. Naturally obtained water can also have its benefits. As a rule the less processed the water the more it maintains its hexagonal properties. Spring or rain water from a non contaminated source will restore DNA. Whereas, water with chlorine and other industrial additives or processes is essentially dead water and may cause further degeneration to DNA structure.
Connecting with pure geometry from an observer's central perspective can also restore DNA structure viability. As the observer connects the energy of the matrix of space naturally occurring around them they can draw upon the healing properties synergistically created. Focusing this energy with the mind into heart center can create a natural blending of mind, body and spirit and bring about alignment and well being.
Focusing this pure geometric energy with the mind into heart center can create a natural blending of mind, body and spirit and bring about alignment and well being. |
In “Rainbow Geometry” universal flows of finite/infinite and linear/circular come together as one. The Seven Interlinking Circles are painted with the rainbow representing the circular infinite axis. One name for these Seven Interlinking Circles is “Logos Circle Seven.” The word Logos literally means, “The Word.” Logos originates from the Greek language and can mean “an expectation”, “account” or “reason.” As a technical term in philosophy, Logos is used as a term for “principle of order and knowledge.” Logos translated into the language of “Rainbow Geometry” means, “The word, order and knowledge of seven interlinking circles painted with the rainbow.”
The name of the linear/finite diagram of Rainbow Geometry is “Space Symmetry Six.” The implication here is that out of the space matrix arises the symmetry of six, that is to say, the symmetry of hexagon. Space Symmetry Six is a blending of lines and triangles all contained in the matrix of a hexagon. Energetically as the observer stands at the center of this two dimensional plane they connect to the matrix of the hexagon and a synergy of the visible spectrum of rainbow colors. At center, the observer is at zero point characterized as the size of a single quantum unit and having no dimension. At the instant the observer moves an intention is set. The minimal movement to expand into higher consciousness is along a line. This could be characterized as “Moving along a line of intention.” Here the observer moves from zero dimension into the first dimension. In the Space Symmetry Six the lines of intention flow with the primary colors of the visible spectrum of orange, green and indigo. Following the hexagonal nature of space these lines of direction are at sixty degree angles to each other. Note: There are six equal measurements of sixty degree angles in the total 360 degree circumference of a circle.
Continuing to move along the lines of intention the observer is now ready to expand consciousness once again and move into higher dimensional order. The six lines of intention now move into “The planes of manifestation.” The first dimensional lines move into second dimensional planes of the visible rainbow spectrum. The green line moves into the equilateral triangle planes of yellow and blue. The orange line manifests the red and yellow triangle plane, while the indigo line manifests the blue and violet axis into the second dimension. The Space Symmetry Six is a process showing the expansion of consciousness from zero, to first and then to second dimensional awareness. Following the flow of nature's visible light spectrum can fully harmonize the observer. Since all life contains hexagonal DNA pattern at a molecular level, purposely placing oneself at the center of this matrix of space can have great benefits. Aligning the mind at heart center energetically within the matrix of Space Symmetry Six not only flows with the matrix of hexagonal space it also aligns the frequencies of the visible color spectrum. The hexagonal nature of the Space Symmetry Six is a building block for many of the other components of Rainbow Geometry. It is found within the matrix of a cube, tetrahedron and the vector equilibrium.