In the nature of consciousness we seek to bring order. Standing as observer we can see the patterns found in nature. The more conscious the observer is the more they will see the pattern and connections. To view a color spectrum can be done by any intelligent creature. It is a sign of higher consciousness to find the order within the spectrum. Through finding order we find connection and through finding connection we find unity and love. When we view a rainbow in the sky most of us have a feeling of peace and wonder. We are feeling the unity of the seven colors working together as one. Each color carries a certain vibration. In the visible spectrum of the rainbow these colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The vibratory rate of the color red is the slowest of these seven and the violet is the highest. It is their vibratory rate that gives them color in the field of normal vision. Light also vibrates at rates higher and lower than the visible spectrum. These rays of light are not visible to the eye under normal conditions.
When the colors blend together they form more energy than they do vibrating separately. This blending together to create more power than the sum of its parts is known as Synergy. It is the synergy of many colors working together as one that gives us a wonderful feeling when observing the rainbow. In the process of Love, when things merge together they become more powerful than they were before. When this process is done with intention of actually working together for betterment and good then synergy can be at its optimum. In nature all things work together in this synergistic arrangement. The process of “Free Will” does not really enter into the process. It simply moves and flows to the most benefit to all of the rest of the chorus of nature. There is no conscious decision to move outside the plan of synergy. It is always moving within the plan of its optimum connection and love. The more evolved the consciousness becomes the more a “choice” is given to the being. Higher consciousness means they are aware of more and more connections. However, just like the observer's conscious connection between a circle and a triangle, this process of choice and free will has its challenges to be fully connected. We might find it easier to connect and flow with nature if we only had three axis of information to collate, such as being the observer in a triangle's center. When we attempt to encompass many, many levels of information to understand and balance then we might find ourselves overwhelmed and less likely to make decisions for the highest and best intent. If we are to have freewill then we are best suited to see life in its simplicity. The more we try to control, without a conscious connection, the more likely we will lose our synergistic connection to nature and the source field.
In nature all things work together in synergistic arrangement. The process of “Free Will” does not really enter into the process. It simply moves and flows to the most benefit to all of the rest of the chorus of nature. |
Conscious beings, for instance, like a tree or a dog may not be given the ability to find the structural arrangement of a rainbow. Humans however, being presumably more conscious beings, can see that colors must blend together to make other colors. We see that the blending of yellow and blue will give us the color of green and the blending of yellow and red gives us the color known as orange. This awareness of structural arrangement is what gives us more conscious connection and at the same time gives us more freewill. It gives us the opportunity to make a choice within the process of living at one with nature. If we choose following a path of unity, then we create synergy and love. However, if we exclude knowingly, then the process breaks down and decay, separation and death may be the result.
The rainbow in its structural arrangement of colors and music in its structural arrangement of sound are reminders to us on simple levels it all works together as one. Like the rainbow, the seven musical notes flow together in vibratory frequencies related to each other. This is known as a scale of notes. The vibration between each succeeding note flows into the next. The color spectrum and musical scale is a mathematical ratio of frequencies and vibrations bringing forth the color or sound. There is a harmony between the seven notes and there is a harmony between the seven colors. Conscious beings can observe and come to know what is out of balance within a scale of notes. Tuning the collective and individual vibrations can bring back into harmony the relationship found in the harmonics of nature. The rainbow offers us guidance as well as the observer realizes the connection into greater awareness of nature and the source field.
Tuning the collective and individual vibrations can bring back into harmony the relationship found in the harmonics of nature. The rainbow offers us guidance. |
Following the flow of the rainbow “painted” upon the sections and cross sections of Sacred Geometry can show us there is a patternization found in nature's luminescent rainbow and base energy structural patterns of the universe. This is a key to more fully understanding the workings of universal principle. The rainbow of the sky is a bridge to more fully understand the matrix of all manifest form and the conscious energy that creates it. It has long been stated that the rainbow is a bridge between heaven and earth. Viewing this scientifically, the rainbow is a bridge between space and matter, it is the bridge between the unmanifest and the manifest. The rainbow shows us the way the universe divides itself in perfect harmony and organization, according to frequency, showing us what is there already in the space matrix yet not yet seen. The rainbow holds the key to understanding how energy works. Since energy essentially is invisible until it interacts with some thing its properties may not easily be understood. The structural arrangement of a luminescent rainbow painted upon the sectors and cross sectors of Sacred Geometry's planes and forms now give us the insights to understand the process of manifestation. The Rainbow is our Bridge between Heaven and Earth.
The structural arrangement of a luminescent rainbow painted upon the sectors and cross sectors of Sacred Geometry's planes and forms now give us the insights to understand the process of manifestation. |
When the rainbow spectrum is overlaid the natural formations of Sacred Geometry then the observer gains greater connection and synergy. Since the field of light and pure geometry arises from the same universal field then they can be shown to be one with each other. In the same manner light and sound can be shown to have integral relations to each other, so can the relationship between light and Sacred Geometry. The key arises by always allowing the spectrum of light to flow where it is suppose to be. In nature one would not place a color next to a color it did not blend with, nor would they place a musical note in the wrong corresponding position on a scale of notes.
When the observer looks at a color spectrum there are few different ways to do this. The most straight forward way is in the simple alignment of the seven colors: red-orange-yellow-green-blue-indigo-violet. Here we see the axis of relationship is linear. The color combination is produced by the color on either side of it. The orange is both yellow and red, the green is both yellow and blue and the indigo is both blue and violet. This arrangement is called a natural rainbow. Notice that in the illuminated light spectrum the yellow and blue can perceptually repeat themselves to account for the blending of the colors on either side of themselves. The red and the violet colors are a combination of each other composing each side of the rainbow. It is for this reason it could be stated the two colors are one, each independent yet each working with each other to complete the spectrum. We find a similar arrangement in the notes of musical octave. The sounds of “do ra me fa so la te do” complete the spectrum of seven notes within the octave. The sound of “do” repeats itself to complete itself rounding out the octave.

The arrangement of the natural rainbow is the most common way of observing the flow of the illuminated rainbow and the structural rainbow. Each utilize seven color sectors to form their definition. When looking at other observable relationships to the arrangement of the rainbow spectrum we can see more is necessary to define the axial relationship of the structured rainbow. It is the structural rainbow relationships that allow the connection to Sacred Geometry to be brought into consciousness. In this we see greater axial relationships to the flow of the rainbow. In what is termed, “Secondary Rainbow” there is an addition of two more color sectors. Both yellow and blue are doubled to show an axial relationship to the colors they flow out of on either side. In the Secondary Rainbow relationship the structural arrangement of the rainbow looks like this: red-orange-yellow-yellow-green-blue-blue-indigo-violet. In what is termed, “Primary Rainbow” the structural arrangement of the rainbow looks like this: (½ red)-orange-orange-yellow-green-green-blue-indigo-indigo-(½ violet). The orange, green and indigo reflect twice to account for the axial arrangement on either side of them and the red and violet represent ½ sector each to show they blend into each other.
When looking at other observable relationships to the arrangement of the rainbow spectrum we can see more is necessary to define the axial relationship of the structured rainbow. It is the structural rainbow relationships that allow the connection to Sacred Geometry to be brought into consciousness. In this we see greater axial relationships to the flow of the rainbow. |
In building and observing a structural rainbow it is necessary to show the flow of the flow of the color sectors on either side of each color. In the case of the Secondary Rainbow, yellow and blue account for the flow of the rainbow allowing the colors of orange, green and indigo to show what color sectors share a mutual commonality. The yellow is a part of the orange sector as well as of the green sector. The blue is doubled to show it flows into green as well as indigo. In the basics of beginning to understand Rainbow Sacred Geometry colors are placed or “painted” on sectors of geometrical planes and forms following the logical patterns that are found. In this case, it is logical that yellow and blue flow into the sectors on either side of it and in order not to break the integrity of the rainbow an additional two sectors are added in the structural arrangement of the Secondary Rainbow. In a rainbow that appears naturally luminescent in nature the colors flow into each other. It is consciousness and the mind's eye of the observer that can determine there is a pattern of colors within the rainbow structure. When the rainbow is moved from being a luminescent rainbow to a rainbow that is painted down then the colors do not naturally blend into each other. In the study of Sacred Geometry and how the rainbow is a natural part of universal structure then sectors of interworking colors are used to illustrate this flow.
Another way of logically painting down the rainbow is through the viewing of the rainbow's seven colors using twelve sectors to represent all the polarity and axial relationships. In this model of the rainbow matrix we see each color has a polarity or relationship to the color next to it. This arrangement of the painted rainbow is termed, “Neutral Rainbow.” Here the color sectors flow: red-orange-orange-yellow-yellow-green-green-blue-blue-indigo-indigo-violet. In this arrangement all the colors except red and violet are doubled to show a natural blending with the color next to it. In the study of Rainbow Sacred Geometry it is necessary to show polarity arrangement to the colors that flow next to each color. Since the colors are not luminescent and do not innately flow together then an additional sector of color is used to show the polarity or flow. This process of doubling colors allows the natural integrity of the rainbow to be shown and is key to connecting Nature's Rainbow to Nature's Pure Geometry.
In the process of universal commonalities there are certain descriptions that make it a universal phenomena. The description must be of something that appears not only here on earth but in all likelihood on all planets everywhere. This is where the process of universal commonalities comes into play. A philosophy may be limited to a particular region or culture, whereas, a universal commonality is shared by all regions and cultures. The science of the commonality will be relative and observable. In Sacred Geometry it is clear that from observer's center universal relationships do exist. Relationships to circles, squares and triangles are the same everywhere. The same is true for color spectrum relationships. Luminescent colors always flow into the color that is next to it. As the vibrational frequency of the color increases or reduces then the color will take on a different appearance. The observer of the visible spectrum will be able to measure and see a slight change when a color moves from yellow to orange for instance. The color of red will not appear next to the color of yellow without an orange color being represented. This natural law is adhered to anywhere in the universe. In other words, anywhere in the universe the color spectrum will flow in the same arrangement as we see it here on earth because different colors vibrate at different rates and depending on the rate of oscillations per second the next lower or higher color will appear next to it.In rainbow geometry the observer places themselves at the center of the color spectrum or painted rainbow. Here, the pure frequencies of the aligned color spectrum are experienced fully. As one aligns one with natural flow then a synergistic affect is experienced. Placing one's self at the center of these natural universal commonalities can bring alignment to our energy centers as Sacred Geometry and color spectrum vibrations all flow harmoniously. Here, the optimum affect is realized. If the observer focuses on the green of a linear rainbow then they naturally align with the color frequencies on either side of green. Green is the center of our being. Its energy is directly correspondent to our heart center. This is why green is the center of the visible rainbow and the center of our chakras. If we energetically place ourselves at this center we are at the center of the color spectrum. The colors frequencies align to our heart center as the green vibrations align with the next closest vibratory frequencies of yellow and blue. The next slower vibrating fields of colors flow orange and then red while the higher vibrating field of colors reveal indigo and violet. Visualizing or standing energetically in the center of the color spectrum we connect fully with all the colors of the visible color spectrum.
Placing one's self at the center of these natural universal commonalities can bring alignment to our energy centers as Sacred Geometry and color spectrum vibrations all flow harmoniously. |