The Secrets of the Universe can be learned through the simple counting on our fingers! Within the universal structure there are patterns contained in movement and the creation of nature. All about we see connections to these patterns. We see the universal circular vortex in our DNA structure, weather phenomenas and galaxy systems. We see the hexagonal matrix of space with many things from honeycombs to snowflakes. Planets rotate elliptically around their central stars while spinning upon their axes. Within our universe there are no accidents only movement to the grand scheme of things. Nature is our greatest example of this patternization. Philosophers and scientists alike have studied and documented these patterns for thousands of years in hopes to gain a blueprint for our universe. These patterns are repeatable throughout all universal structure and mathematics is the language they can be spoken in. Complex studies and mathematical equations have been drawn to understand the matrix of time/space and how it relates to the manifest reality. However, the most profound structural arrangements of nature's patterns are found in the simplest mathematical expressions. Often these patterns are discovered through simply counting and seeing the patternization and ratios. In Sacred Geometry patterns and ratios repeat themselves from the smallest to the largest as observed in nature's patterns.
The most profound structural arrangements of nature's patterns are found in the simplest mathematical expressions. Often these patterns are discovered through simply counting and seeing the patternization and ratios. |
The Golden Ratio has fascinated philosophers, artists and mathematicians since earliest recorded history. Patterns in nature's ratios where noticed and documented as early as 2500 BCE. The golden ratio first was adopted by the builders of the pyramids to allow a perfect flow of energy to be collected and distributed. It is a ratio that appears in natural vortices such as DNA, tornadoes and galaxies. A ratio is defined: “A relation in degree or number between two similar things.” In the golden ratio it is a patternization that is found between two objects and their position to each other. In fine arts this relationship is referred to as “A ratio between the two dimensions of a plane figure or the two divisions of a line such that the smaller is to the larger as the larger is to the sum of the two.” What this means, in other words, “The smaller portion's ratio is equal to the overall size of the two portions combined.” In nature there is the process of self replication. As larger proportional sizes are added through growth or expansion it follows the proportion of the smaller one from which it evolved.Mathematicians have observed this phenomena in nature for millenniums. They noticed the process of self-replication in plants, sea shells and other natural phenomena followed a certain and predictable pattern. Plato was the first to show connection to the golden ratio in his work involving platonic solids in 400 BCE. A short time later Euclid coined the phrase “extreme and mean ratio.” Fibonacci is credited by name for seeing the series of ratios approximately 800 years ago. A few centuries later it became commonly referred to as the “Divine Proportion.” It was Johannes Kepler in the 17th century that proved that the golden ratio is the ratio of the Fibonacci sequence. He described the golden ratio as a “precious jewel” stating, “Geometry has two great treasures: one is the Theorem of Pythagoras, and the other the division of a line into extreme and mean ratio; the first we may compare to a measure of gold, the second we may name a precious jewel.” Mathematicians and researchers continue to find and document golden connections to this precious jewel of nature's pattern.

Charles Bonnet of the 18th century was among the first botanists to point out that in the arrangement of leaves on plants were spiraling clockwise and counter-clockwise frequently forming two successive Fibonacci series. Many types of plants follow this arrangement as they grow.

The patternization of Golden Ratio is set into the growing pattern from conception and continues throughout its lifetime. This patternization is actually produced by the all encompassing universal circular vortex |
The outer growth of all life aligns with the universal vortex that is concealed within its atomic structure. As growth happens there is a geometrical interface that occurs aligning to what is observed with the Golden Ratio. At the smallest observable levels the Golden Ratio is forming the ultimate creation around it. In the 2011 Nobel prize winning research of “Quasi-crystals”, which is stated to be a newly discovered state of matter, scientists showed that at the smallest levels Quasi-crystals followed the symmetry of Phi – the Golden Ratio. In Quasi-Crystals the ratio of various distances between atoms is related to the ratios of the Golden Mean. In the structure of DNA there is observed a connection to the Fibonacci sequence of the numbers 21 and 34. A DNA strand spiral width is exactly 34 angstroms and the length of its spiral turn is 21 angstroms. Building upon this universal structure, this grand ratio becomes a template for the human body.
“The navel is naturally placed in the centre of the human body, and, if in a man lying with his face upward, and his hands and feet extended, from his navel as the centre, a circle be described, it will touch his fingers and toes. It is not alone by a circle, that the human body is thus circumscribed, as may be seen by placing it within a square. For measuring from the feet to the crown of the head, and then across the arms fully extended, we find the latter measure equal to the former; so that lines at right angles to each other, enclosing the figure, will form a square.”
Stretching from the top of our head to the souls of our feet there are many examples of Golden Ratios found in the make up of the human body.

The distance of our finger bones also increase along the Phi ratio starting with the tip of the fingers and increasing incrementally at 1.618 for each joint. The ratio of one whole number for the length of the hand increases 1.618 to measure the distance of wrist to elbow of the forearm. Humans have 2 hands, each with 5 digits, and the 8 fingers are each comprised of 3 sections, all Fibonacci numbers. Similar ratios are also seen in our feet. The distance from the soles of the feet to the naval center is a whole unit, adding .618 for the distance from the from top of head back to naval gives us the Golden Ratio. We are a veritable walking living Golden Ratio reflection. This Golden Ratio is also observed in our psychic receptor, the pineal gland, which looks like and follows the Fibonacci sequence of nature's pinecone. Looking at our ears we see the perfect Golden Rectangle proportions of height and width. A Golden Spiral flows completely with the curvature of the ear. When we close our hands into a fist the motion also follows that of a Golden Spiral. Even our teeth align to the Phi ratio as our mid incisors decrease in perfect ratio to accommodate the sets of incisors on either side of them.
The Golden Ratio is observed in our psychic receptor, the pineal gland, which looks like and follows the Fibonacci sequence of nature's pinecone. |
Naturally, not every person has the same body proportions, however as an average across the general population the Golden Ratio reveals its self time and time again. A vortex of space's matrix spins around all living things. This vortex of information and consciousness allows for a general formation of patterns that are consistent throughout all universal structure. Other formations of patterns have been observed that fall within the Fibonacci sequence as well. Researchers observe the Golden Ratio (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13) in the family tree of different species. This is most easily seen with the honeybee. A male honeybee has one set of parents, 2 grandparents, 3 great grandparents, 5 gr. gr. grandparents and 8 gr. gr. gr. grandparents. A female honeybee has 2 sets of parents, 3 grandparents, 5 great grandparents, 8 gr. gr. grandparents and 13 gr. gr. gr. grandparents. The family tree matches incrementally the Fibonacci progression. The same similarities in family trees have been observed with rabbits, cows and even humans, allowing for a general average across the populace. So much does the preponderance of evidence tend to support the Golden Ratio as a universal fact even stock markets have used the ratio to determine when stock prices will rise and fall. Surprisingly, even this has shown noteworthy connections.

The knowledge of the mystical powers of the Golden Ratio has been known for thousands of years. Architects, as well as scientists and philosophers, have recognized the universality and omnipotence of aligning with the matrix of space. Becoming one with this alignment allows the forces of all encompassing natural field to flow as they are intended. Pyramids throughout the world have been shown to have many characteristics in their construction that enhance the energetic power inherent in nature. Their builders knew that connecting with the Golden Mean Ratio turns what to the casual observer is an inanimate structure into a highly functioning energy device. It has been documented that attaining such alignment with Golden Mean produces “miraculous” results. Studies have shown healing is greatly increased when subjected to the energy of pyramids. Plants greatly increase their vitality as do other lifeforms. Even the molecular structure of “inanimate” objects perfects itself as observed by the sharpening of razor blades left for a few days in the pyramid's amplified Golden Ratio affects. Within the structure of space is perfection and through the uses of amplification devices such as pyramids and other psi-power devices we can utilize the healing and universal quantum affects.The congruent ratios of pyramids is first observed in the “squaring of a circle.” In the ancient language associated with measurement a “mahe” or “Royal Cubit” was used. A Royal Cubit measures 523 to 525 mm (20.6 to 20.64 inches). In the most heavily scrutinized of all pyramids, the Great Pyramid of Cheops has been determined to be 440 cubits on the sides of its great base (within nine inches of perfectly square) and measures 280 cubits from its base's center to where the apex of the capstone once stood. The Pyramid’s base is “A square whose perimeter is equal to the circumference of a circle whose radius is equal to the pyramid's height.” The length of each of the four sides is 440 Royal Cubits or 1760 cubits for the parameter. To obtain the radius of the circle or height of the Great Pyramid 1760 is divided by Pi (approximately 3.14*2). That is to say the Great Pyramid's parameter of 1760 is equal to 1760 divided by Pi times 2 which equals approximately 280 cubits – the height of the pyramid.
Within the structure of space is perfection and through the uses of amplification devices such as pyramids and other psi-power devices we can utilize the healing and universal quantum affects. |
The Golden Triangle's ratio is also found in the construction of the Great pyramid. A Golden Triangle is an isosceles triangle in which the smaller side is in 1 to 1.6 ratio with its adjacent side. The distance from the center of any of the pyramid's four sides is 220 cubits as is the distance from this point to the pyramid's base's center. The distance from the center of the pyramid's four sides to the top of it's apex is 356 cubits. Dividing 356 by 220 it produces the Golden Ratio of approximately 1.6. A determination of the square root of Phi is found in the Great Pyramid as well. Taking the ratio of one half its base of 220 cubits to its height of 280 equals 1.2727=(280/220). The square root of 1.61180339 (Phi) = 1.2720 – a difference of 0.0007, or 0.16 cubits error at the scale of the Great Pyramid.

Pyramids are humanity's gift from our star family to show us of the way of true connectivity with universal source. Over eons of time civilizations from our local galaxy and beyond have interacted with humans to share technologies that can bring us free, abundant and clean energy. Through the incorporation of Sacred Geometry in our lives as a species once again we will regain the knowledge and usage of these healing, life restoring dimensional portals. As Edgar Cayce foretold, the mysteries of the pyramids and the Great Sphinx is being revealed through the application of the Golden Ratio. The Halls of Records to our oneness with the science of universality is at hand.
Etheric Energy Fields ~ You Views ~
All about you are
nature's patterns. You are the product of the
universal circular vortex and the hexagonal matrix
of space.
In nature and in you there is the
process of self replication. As larger proportional
sizes are added through growth or expansion it
follows the proportion of the smaller one from which
it evolved.
The patternization of Golden
Ratio is set into your growing pattern from
conception and continues throughout your life. This
patternization in you is produced by the all
encompassing universal circular vortex.
DNA strand spiral width is exactly 34 angstroms and
the length of its spiral turn is 21 angstroms
following the ratio of Fibonacci series. You are
built upon this universal structure, your grand
ratio becomes a template for your human body.
Stretching from the top of your head to the souls of
your feet there are dozens of examples of Golden
Ratios found within the make up of your human body.
You are a veritable walking living Golden Ratio
Your Golden Ratio is observed in
your psychic receptor, the pineal gland, which looks
like and follows the Fibonacci sequence of nature's
A vortex of space's matrix spins
around you and all living things allowing for a
formation of patterns that are consistent throughout
all universal structure.
~ Your family tree
propagation matches incrementally the Fibonacci
progression (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13) as a general average
across the populace.
The combination of the
two sides of your heart, both physical (seen) and
energetic (unseen), combine to resonant with the
circular vortex energy around it.
have many characteristics in their construction that
enhances the your energetic power inherit in nature.
You in alignment with the pyramid's Golden
Ratio on such a massive scale causes your
consciousness and life in general to reach epic
proportions of sustainability and vitality.
Through the incorporation of Sacred Geometry into
y-our lives as a species once again you and we will
regain the knowledge and usage of these healing,
life restoring dimensional portals.